100+ Inspirational Quotations About the Importance of Reading

quotations about the importance of reading

What was the first book or story you ever read – Alice in Wonderland, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, or Red Riding Hood?

Life would have felt incomplete without books. In fact, no knowledge would have ever been passed down the generations if humans had not learned the art and science of making papyrus and converting oral knowledge into written format.

The importance of reading is not new to any of us. Reading is a skill that has been neglected in the digital era. As we are constantly looking at screens, reading is often overlooked as a necessary activity.

Here are the 70+ inspirational quotations about the importance of reading. 

Inspirational Quotations About the Importance of Reading

A book is a friend you can repeat anytime without worrying about their secrets ever.

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Books can show you a world serving as a bridge from despair to self-love.

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There is only one freedom that is truly yours, and that’s called gaining knowledge.

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The greatest gifts of all time for a child from everyone are their ability to see the world through books. 

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Reading should not be a duty or a chore for children but an act of great love and accomplishment.

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A good book opens a new door, full of light for a child.

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Burn a candle in your heart with a good book in your hand. Sparks fly when you hold a book that can set the fire within your heart ablaze.

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Reading is the doorway to opening a child’s imaginations that serve as weapons in times of war.

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You can never be lonely when you have a book, even if you are wading through the waters alone.

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Enlighten your world by reading a page from a good book every day.

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Famous Quotations About the Importance of Reading

Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his needs, is good for him. 

— Maya Angelou
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We read to know we are not alone.

— C.S. Lewis
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The greatest gift is a passion for reading.

— Elizabeth Hardwick
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Books are lighthouses erected in the great sea of time.

— E.P. Whipple
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Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

—Richard Steele
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A house without books is like a room without windows.

— Horace Mann
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Reading is important, because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything.

— Tomie
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It is books that are the key to the wide world; if you can’t do anything else, read all that you can.

— Jane Hamilton
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A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.

—Mark Twain
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He that loves reading has everything within his reach.

— William Godwin
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Short Quotes About Reading Books

Reading makes your dreams colorful as it increases your imagination.

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Visualize every word you read and create pictures of every scene you stumble upon in your book.

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Reading strengthens your imagination which leads to the greatest inventions and discoveries.

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People who don’t speak too much are fond of books. Trust me!

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Reading is a great way to discover yourself.

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A book can change the world if in the right hands.

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Reading is the weapon of wise and witty.

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For every problem, there is a solution, and for every solution, there is a book.

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Books can take you around the world while you sit and read them on the couch.

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Reading is the wise use of a silent environment.

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Best Quotes On Reading Habit

When you sit to think of gifting yourself, what comes to your mind more than knowledge of unseen worlds gifted only through books?

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Fairy tales weave your path through good and ugly teaching you to thrive with each in tow.

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To know art or science, you need to have complete knowledge and to have the right knowledge, you will need the right book.

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Books can relieve you of mental and physical diseases, wiring you to recreate life in a way that is possible amid the bemoaning for all that is lost.

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If life would be a dark ocean on which you sail your boat, then the books would be the lighthouse to show you the way even through the dark waters.

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Living is not easy, but if you are in the company of great books, your life might seem a lot less difficult.

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Being alone in a world full of disguises is not a crime, but living with good books can make your life better.

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A home with no books is a home with no vision. 

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The decoration of a home with bookshelves is the best you can try putting up as a book around can make you read them every once in a while.

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A person without a reading habit is no better than an illiterate man who does not know how to read.

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Quotes About Love For Reading

Reading is like traveling an unknown road. Read to find out where it takes.

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The best advice is: Throw out the TV and install a bookshelf.

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The alternative to reading is laziness.

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Everything is possible for those who love to read fiction books.

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For some people, time is fast when they read, while for some, it is slow.

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Love your book. You owe them a lot.

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Reading broadens your vision.

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The more you read, the less you weed.

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You have all the answers in the book. Just open and read!

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All that you need is a good read.

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Reading shapes your mind and helps builds a character.

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You know only as much as you read.

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Successful people spend their time more on reading than watching.

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Those who love reading know more than those who don’t.

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Books are the only friends in solitude.

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Motivational Quotations About the Importance of Reading

People whose TV is bigger than their bookshelf usually lack genuineness.

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Books introduce you to a whole new world of imagination and cognizance.

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A house without books resembles a body without a soul.

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An apple each day keeps the doctor away, and reading a book each day keeps the evil away.

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When life throws you books, make good wisdom & knowledge out of them.

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Books are your most loyal and constant friends, and they will never lie to you.

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A company of good books can be equivalent to a king’s counsel.

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Books can transcend you to places in the past or future that would otherwise be impossible to experience in the present time.

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When it’s raining or snowing outside, having a book and a cup of hot tea can feel like a blessing.

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Meaningful Quotes About The Importance of Reading

Books and dogs are a human’s best friends.

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Cultivating the habit of reading from a young age can prove to be one of the best things you have done for yourself and that you realize as you get older.

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While going on a long journey, never forget to pack your favourite books.

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When feeling lost in life, return to the world of books to find your way back.

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Investing in gold or real estate can make you a wealthy person, but investing in books, the purest form of knowledge, can not only make you knowledgeable & wise but also enrich you spiritually.

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Nothing other than books can furnish your life more aesthetically than books. 

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Reading a short story book in a café on a hot summer day while sipping a lemonade can be the best way to spend time with yourself.

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When you feel a longing after finishing a book, you know in your heart that you have read a good book.

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Books can make you believe in magic, and love, give you hope and heal your heart’s wounds even before you realize it consciously.

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It is only your family, educational institutes, and the books you have read that have shaped you in the best way for your life.

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Meaningful Quotations About the Importance of Reading

Reading can develop your inner wisdom even if you are reading another man’s trash.

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If a child learns how to read, they can learn how to live better each day.

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The best part of reading is that each word you read is meant to set your soul free.

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If you ask yourself standing behind a heap of books as to what you gain from them. Well, you achieve freedom from living a stable life, and that is mostly enough.

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Make reading a habit to keep away the bad habits at bay.

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A book is a journey that is completed by the person who finishes reading the book.

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Run your imaginations wild by reading through every strip of paper that passes your life, and you could know what life is faster than many.

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If you want to live in peace, surround your life with books and read each day to make the most of your day.

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War and peace are two states of mind, and to transform war into peace, keep reading every day.

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Life is an eternal journey, and what if I say you are here only to learn how to live beyond?

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More Quotations About the Importance of Reading

Reading is not education. It is fun to learn.

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Books never betray. People do.

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Reading at least 15 minutes every day will make your next 15 years better.

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Always carry a book wherever you go, and read whenever you have time.

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It’s better to read and know something new than think and ponder something that’s not true.

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Books are records of the greatest personalities, written to help us improve our lives.

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Books improve your life better when in your hand than on your shelf.

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Those with big libraries are in pursuit of the truth and will surely succeed.

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Reading is a passion when you have a thirst for knowledge.

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Reading fosters your growth and slows down aging.

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One who has a habit of reading has the habit of learning, and he shall always stay young in mind.

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Read such that you forget eating, sleeping, and your phone too.

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Your progress is measured by how many books you read per month.

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Reading boosts concentration and productivity.

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Final Words

As we are constantly looking at screens, reading is often overlooked as a necessary activity. And hence, these quotations about the importance of reading would get you out of your screens and inspire you to smell the book!

Also read: 65 Inspirational Quotes About Doing Your Best In Every Situation