How Can Students Combine Work And Study?

How can students combine work and study

How to combine work and study? What if I want to start my own business? Many students have been asking themselves these questions, and in our article, we’ll try to answer them.

To avoid falling into the trap of scammers, not to lose enthusiasm at the beginning, and not to drop out of the educational institution, you need to know a lot of nuances.

Part-time or evening students are the easiest. They can attend university just during the exam session. The evening department allows you to spend a day at work and a few hours in the evenings to study. And teachers are much more tolerant towards absentee students than full-time students.

It is much harder for the latter to find not just a job but even a part-time job. Few employers agree to take full-time students. In fact, not everyone can pay the same attention to both work and study. You have to make a choice – either to work hard during sessions or forget about work until graduation. Sometimes the only way out is to think about where to buy a college essay in order to meet the deadline.

Does it worth studying and working at the same time? Should you combine study and work? Here are a few arguments, both pros and cons of part-time work.

How can students combine work and study


  • Own money. The most important argument, especially for out-of-town students living in the dorms. As soon as a freshman moves into the dorms, he or she learns how to manage their own money anyway. However, if parents live far away and have no opportunity to send large amounts of money to the student, one has to think not only about how to save what he or she has, but also about how to earn money on their own.
  • Practice. If the work is somehow related to the specialty, this is a great chance to approach graduation with the accumulated practical baggage. If an employer agrees to hire a student with no experience, and you make an excellent impression-you won’t have to be among the graduates desperately looking for work after graduation.
  • “Airbag.” If suddenly, after six months of the first year, you realize that you do not want or will not be able to work in your specialty all your life, while transferring to another is not an option, then the job may be the only way out of the situation. You can find yourself in something that is not related to your degree at any age. Getting a degree takes second place – you can study what you really like and gain the experience you need for the job.


  • Inability to concentrate. If you study and work so hard that you don’t have time to sleep, you can do severe damage to your health. As a result, besides not getting everything done as planned, you may end up in the hospital because of a nervous breakdown. Very few people are able to work intensively without endangering their health.
  • Small salary. Even graduates of elite universities are not always able to expect a good salary, so what about freshmen without experience and education. Even if you estimate the cost of an hour of work and calculate how much you can get a month, do not rely on this figure – with a lack of experience, many people rush for the illusion of “big money” and soon burn out.

Best Tips for combining work and study

How can students combine work and study

Engage In Freelancing

How can students combine work and study

This way of combining work with studies is the least time-consuming (with proper planning). There is a risk of losing money if the customer does not like the work, but in the beginning, freelancing can be good preparation for further work search.

Seasonal Jobs Are Offered By An Educational Institution

How can students combine work and study

The youth organization is ready to provide profitable vacancies during vacations or even studies. There is even an opportunity to reschedule your exams and even work abroad – and you can be sure that you will get your paychecks in the end.

Don’t Be Afraid To Find Companions

How can students combine work and study

You can even organize your own business if you want to. In this case, it is easier to organize work and study, as well as learn how to act as a team.

Do Not Let The Fraudsters Fool You

How can students combine work and study

Always ask for a contract. In the case of freelancing, even a completed brief may be a document confirming the fact of work. Do not give up if you have been cheated – even a story in a social network about an unscrupulous employer can reduce the number of people who could suffer from his actions.

Final Words

Whatever you choose – to work or not, you should always try to soften yourself work and study tasks – master time management, and adjust the communication at work and university. Be flexible and fast, and these are the skills without which you can’t successfully combine work and study.

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