50+ Meaningful Quotes About Taking Things For Granted

quotes about taking things for granted

Human beings are a creature of habit. We get easily used to our daily rituals and the people around us. It is not completely wrong to take things for granted which we were born into, but the day we forget gratitude and stop appreciating the blessings in our life we will stop living our life to its full extent. 

If we assume things will always happen for us in a particular manner or assume the same for people around us, it can lead to demotivation and maybe the opportunities we have now will become harder in the future.

In this article, we’ll share some meaningful quotes about taking things for granted to make you appreciate the beauty in and around your life.

Whenever you feel you are taking important factors of your life for granted, look at these meaningful quotes about taking things for granted specially designed to change your perspective.

Meaningful Quotes About Taking Things For Granted

Appreciate the beauty around you, it will fade very soon.

quotes about taking things for granted

Nurture a plant, and it will give you beautiful fruits, nurture your life, and it will give you a beautiful future.

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The universe will give back what you give it, give it gratitude for all the beautiful things around, and receive wonderful rewards from the universe.

quotes about taking things for granted

Possession of a thing for very long can be mistaken for its existence forever, but its disappearance for a short period will mark its importance.

quotes about taking things for granted

Nourish your talent every day, don’t let it go away unappreciated by the surrounding people.

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Waiting to be appreciated one day is living proof of weakness and not strength. Do not let anyone take you for granted.

quotes about taking things for granted

Be mature enough to appreciate your true worth if nobody does.

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Those relations which are not ready to take risks for your safety are not realizing your worth.

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If you are not heard after screaming for everything, then you are being taken for granted, and you are letting it happen. Stop screaming and move on.

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Best Quotes On Taking Things For Granted

The caregivers of the family are usually left unnoticed, be careful to take care of them as one day caregivers can become caretakers.

quotes about taking things for granted

Be thankful for all the virtues given to you by nature, as it does not take much time for nature to change the weather of the day.

quotes about taking things for granted

Simple things in life are the most difficult to last forever. Learn to appreciate them for them to stay.

quotes about taking things for granted

Keep fueling the power in you before it stops burning.

quotes about taking things for granted

The love you give to your family is precious, but the security, care, love in return which we get is priceless. Applaud it every day.

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Your attitude towards people around you will determine the respect you have earned from them. Be more appreciative to attain more attention.

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Inspirational Quotes About Taking Things For Granted For Teens

Freedom is the most misused commodity, our ancestors have paid a heavy price for it, so do not take it for granted.

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Gratitude towards elders and appreciating the sacrifices made by them will lighten up your present and brighten your future.

quotes about taking things for granted

Value all your blessings, otherwise you will have nothing left to carry forward in the future.

quotes about taking things for granted

An unkind friend will teach you the value of kindness, a noisy friend will teach you the value of silence, appreciate all types as they are teaching you lessons of life, do not take them for granted.

quotes about taking things for granted

The right of entitlement to all the goodness in life needs to be nourished at every step to maintain it.

quotes about taking things for granted

Inspirational Quotes About Taking Things For Granted

Sometimes let the fear of loss conquer you to realize the depth of appreciation of things around you. As everybody and everything comes with an expiration date.

quotes about taking things for granted

Always look around before you take anything for granted. You will hear your heartbeat more profoundly. Your eyes will show a spectacular picture around you. Your ears will hear an unheard tune. Be more alive in the present to live life to its fullest.

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Starving stomachs will make you appreciate a simple home-cooked meal more than anything.

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Boring routines are missed the most when they cannot be repeated as routines anymore. Once that time has crossed it cannot be turned back, take care when you can.

quotes about taking things for granted

Count and savour your blessings, they could be somebody else’s prayers.

quotes about taking things for granted

To achieve more, don’t leave things behind. Appreciate everything you have and carry it further with you.

quotes about taking things for granted

Quotes About Taking Things For Granted With Images 

Global warming is the biggest warning of nature to humankind not to take things for granted. 

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Being absent in someone’s life maybe is the right way to teach them about your presence.

quotes about taking things for granted

Feelings are fragile like your precious glassware, if not taken care breakage will be the only outcome. Take care of feelings, whether it is yours or the people around you.

quotes about taking things for granted

Sometimes being very understanding is the reason for being misunderstood in a relationship. Don’t let anyone take you for granted and be misunderstood.

quotes about taking things for granted

A good practice is to doubt every relation in your life because sometimes being comfortable with someone can lead to taking them for granted in life.

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Knowing that a tree will always protect you from sun and rain is a big comfort, but assuming it and taking that tree for granted will be the biggest mistake. Nurture that tree and appreciate it to get protection from it.

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The present time is running to become a memory, cherish it before it becomes a memory.

quotes about taking things for granted

Life is very unpredictable, one glance can become the last glance any minute, don’t miss it by closing your eyes.

quotes about taking things for granted

Don’t forget to include the downtrodden in your prayers, the magnitude of your gratitude will double on its own and help you appreciate your blessings in life.

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Be good to others, help them, listen to them, but don’t let them take you for granted ever.

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Famous Quotes About Taking Things For Granted

Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.

– Aldous Huxley
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We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.

– Cynthia Ozick
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When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.

– Gilbert K. Chesterton
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Being taken for granted can be a compliment. It means that you’ve become a comfortable, trusted element in another person’s life.

– Joyce Brothers
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Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.

– Charles Dickens
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Never take anything for granted.

– Benjamin Disraeli
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It’s human nature to start taking things for granted again when danger isn’t banging loudly on the door.

– David Hackworth
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One very important aspect of motivation is the willingness to stop and to look at things that no one else has bothered to look at. This simple process of focusing on things that are normally taken for granted is a powerful source of creativity.

– Edward de Bono
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Nothing is going to be handed to you — you have to make things happen.

– Florence Griffith Joyner
quotes about taking things for granted

I never take things for granted. I always look to help out my teammates, to win and be better.

– Albert Pujols
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If they don’t respect, appreciate and value you, then they don’t deserve you.

– Robert Tew
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Short Quotes About Taking Things For Granted

There is absolutely nothing that can be taken for granted in this world.

– Robert Anton Wilson
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It is sad when you realize you are not as important to someone as they are to you!

– Nikhil Andy
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I don’t like being taken for granted anywhere in life. I don’t want my vote taken for granted.

– Rob Lowe
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If they don’t appreciate your presence, perhaps you should try giving them your absence.

– Tinku Razoria
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All your youth you want to have your greatness taken for granted; when you find it taken for granted, you are unnerved.

– Elizabeth Bowen
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Calling anything foolproof seems to take a lot for granted.

– Evan Esar
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Conclusion- Gratitude Will Not Let You Take Things For Granted

Sometimes it is a good feeling to take things for granted as you feel part of a routine, or it gives you a sense of belonging to a person. But to keep surviving in that comfort zone, never take things for granted. Not appreciating your blessings can lead you to lose them forever.

Remember, to enjoy life to its fullest, always appreciate and have gratitude towards the blessings of your life.

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